Canine Bowen Technique is a light
touch therapy offering dogs a gentle, non-invasive and effective
hands on therapy that promotes healing, pain relief and body/energy
rebalancing. Subtle movement of fingers and thumbs are used over
muscles, ligaments and fascia in specific parts of the dog’s body.
There is no hard manipulation or cracking of joints.
Canine Bowen Technique is never
forced on a dog, in fact the dog will often indicate where the
treatment is needed and will also let me know when they have had
sufficient treatment.
Canine Bowen is holistic, treats
the whole body and is complimentary to the work of your vet. We
never diagnose the condition of your dog. Your vet is kept informed
of all treatment given in a full written report.
Please contact
Pat White to discuss the availability of courses suitable for your
Pat White - 0114
232 6557/07952 436 536